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2023 草率簿 TPABF Catalog

Regular price
NT$ 990.00
Sale price
NT$ 990.00
Regular price
NT$ 990.00


人類理性邏輯腦,‮>‬ط不住佛洛伊徳式滑跤(Freudian Slip)的真心話, 

潛意識沒有容量上限,潘朵拉的盒子直播開箱,請滑動解鎖存在本性的滑坡謬誤(Slippery slope), 

if p then q; if q then r; if r then … z.,一路滑到掛。 

抽煙斗的貓說你的貼文讚,SENSE ⤷ NON-SENSE,椎弓解離,無限上綱,無盡下滑。 



今年的策展靈感汲取近期強制徵收人類眼球的短影音視聽習慣,隨著好奇心膨脹,指尖也像中了毒一樣,在演算法的零與無限樂園中、在線性的手機畫面中無法脫逃。今年草率季引入「滑」作為穿梭在各式載體與維度之間的主題動作,以「一直滑下去 NEVER GIVE UP」為題,打破每個媒介限制,讓你可以在圖片、文字、設計、展場之間無阻力遊走。並集結超過400組藝術書創作者、出版單位、獨立書店們,其中有80組來自海外,一半左右為首次參展,一起在草率季、在這個滑的時代NEVER GIVE UP!

This year's theme, "sliding," reflects our fascination with the way short audiovisual content captures human attention, leading us into an endless loop of algorithms. Inspired by the idea that rationality falters in the face of subconscious impulses, we invite you to explore and break through the limitations of various media. With over 400 art book creators, publishing units, and independent bookstores—80 of which are international newcomers—we celebrate the infinite possibilities of sliding between images, text, and design. Let’s NEVER GIVE UP and embrace the sliding era!